Physicists say there may be a way to prove that we live in a computer simulation


Back in 2003, Oxford professor Nick Bostrom suggested that we may be living in a computer simulation. In his paper, Bostrom offered very little science to support his hypothesis — though he did calculate the computational requirements needed to pull off such a feat. And indeed, a philosophical claim is one thing, actually proving it is quite another. But now, a team of physicists say proof might be possible, and that it’s a matter of finding a cosmological signature that would serve as the proverbial Red Pill from the Matrix. And they think they know what it is.

Read more on i09.


EC: The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, also known as the 10 Sephirot. Its diagrammatic representation, arranged in 3 columns/pillars, derives from Christian and esoteric sources and is not known to the earlier Jewish tradition.[citation needed] The tree, visually or conceptually, represents as a series of divine emanations God’s creation itself ex nihilo, the nature of revealed divinity, the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of Creation.



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Increased Solar Activity, the Age of Aquarius and the Ego


NASA cameras captured images of two large solar flares on June 10, 2014. The first of the two explosions was classified as a X2.2 flare, which is considered to be “unusually” bright, according to NASA. C-class flares are small, M-class flares area medium sized while X-class flares are the biggest and can have significant effects on earth such as disruptions in high frequency radio communications. Though they pose no considerable threat to us, considering the massive bursts of radiation these solar flares emit there may be more nuanced effects that we can experience. Energetically, the microcosm on earth is directly connected to that of the sun. Cyclical in nature, the activity on the suns surface has been correlated by some to significant events on Earth.

Solar Activity Kundalini Flare Meditation Plexus Age of Aquarius 2014 explosion


Several scholars and spiritual figures have commented on the correlation between increased solar activity and our current transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. This shift is resulting in a transformation of our vibrational energies. Yogi Bhajan, a spiritual leader and practitioner of Kundalini, has commented that the increased solar activity is connected to the little sun within our own bodies, ie: the solar plexus chakra.

Continue reading Increased Solar Activity, the Age of Aquarius and the Ego


The aim of The Unity Codex is to find common threads between existing bodies of knowledge, theories and schools of thought relating to spirituality and technology. It is specifically interested in the hypothesised technological singularity and how it serves as a metaphor of enlightenment. 


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